

在 Xcode 9 上启用 Vim 模拟(XVim 2)

作为一个不用 vim 编辑会死星人,用 Xcode 总是止不住自己想 Escape 的心。于是找到了 XVimProject/XVim2 进行配置。


  1. 按照 Signing Xcode 对 Xcode 进行重签名。套路和对 GDB 进行签名一样。不过这次,签名完成的时间可长多了,毕竟 Xcode 这么大。
  2. 接着按照项目的 README,首先 git clone 然后 make ,第一次打开 Xcode 的时候选择 Load Bundle 即可。

终于可以满足我 Escape Xcode 的欲望了。

Screen Capturing Tips in macOS

I'm sure many people have already known this. But i haven't memorize it yet.

How to screen capture:

Shift+Command+3: Capture fullscreen.
Shift+Command+4: Capture region.
               : Press space to capture window. 
               : Hold option and drag, then
               : you will capture a region with its center in where you started dragging 
               : and one of its corners under your cursor.
Ctrl+OneOfTheTwoAbove: Capture to clipboard.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location: Change the default location storing the images.

Apps enhancing the snapshots: Snappy and Mapture.

See more detailed here.